Sunday, February 8, 2015

Peggy McIntosh "White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack"

Peggy McIntosh argues that white privilege, like male privilege, is an unfair dominance system solely based on race and sex. If one possesses these characteristics, then they have an advantage in our society. Though McIntosh explains privilege, she believes that white and male privilege isn't really classified as privilege because it is unearned superiority over others. Even though men and whites understand their advantages, they do not see themselves as being oppressive to others. She explains that people are taught that racism is acts that put others at a disadvantage without understanding the opposite view: that racism gives white people advantages. Therefore, they work to try to promote equality, but do not try to lessen their own power. McIntosh said that people are unconsciously taught to ignore these privileges and see them as the norm. As a result, she classifies white privilege as "an invisible weightless knapsack of special provisions, maps, passports, code books, visas, clothes, tools, and blank checks."

I believe that McIntosh's article connects with SCWAAMP. This acronym describes what society values: straightness, christianity, whiteness, able-bodiness, american-ness, maleness, and property ownership. Since society values whiteness and maleness, people classified in these two groups, as well as all the other categories, have privileges, or unearned advantages. On the other hand, those who are not represented in these groups are oppressed and unfairly treated.

In my opinion, McIntosh is correct in her argument. When I read through the list of advantages that whites automatically possess, I really began to understand the complexity of this issue. Like she explained, I had never seen myself to have advantages over my friends who weren't white. Now, I see that I was conditioned by society to not recognize my white privilege. But in order to change it, we must accept that it exists. I found a company called, which raises awareness on topics like white privilege. They put out a commercial in 2012 that shows white people explaining white privilege and the advantages that they have over those who are not white.


  1. I really like the commerical you chose for this reading. It really makes you think and realize that we are privileged because of our skin color and that we need to be more aware of it!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I really like the picture you chose because it is completely true, it is hard to see racism when you are white because more often than not white people do not fall victim of racism. I also makes me think of the Delpit article where she says people of power are often least aware of power, which Is the same for white privilege
